
It is important that as a result of featuring a select number of car insurance providers for residents of Northern Ireland, that we provide visitors with a review of the regulatory body relevant to those insurers, intermediaries and brokers operating in N.I.

The Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority (IFSRA) has a mandate to protect consumers by helping them to make informed financial decisions in a safe and fair market, with sound financial institutions. In relation to the current HomeApproved web site, the Motor insurance organisation’s which come under the umbrella of the IFSRA include Auto Line, Britton and Quinn Direct.

Contact Information
Switchboard Tel: +353 1 224 6000. Fax: +353 1 671 6561. Post: Central Bank of Ireland, PO Box 559, Dame Street, Dublin 2.

Consumer Information and Complaints
The Central Bank cannot get involved in individual disputes between financial services providers and consumers, which is the role of the Financial Services Ombudsman.

Consumerhelp.ie from the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission has expert information and useful tools on consumer rights and personal finance.

The IFSRA web site is clearly laid out to inform and educate consumers, helping them to ask the right questions and to demand fair and professional service. You will find detailed information, with all the latest relevant regulatory and legislative issues. Also, check the section which publishes warning notices naming firms, operating without the appropriate authorisation and read reports and reviews relevant to car insurance trends in Northern Ireland. See below:

The Central Bank of Ireland has a role in ensuring that the best interests of consumers of financial services are protected. Their objective is to have a financial services industry where consumers’ interests are protected. This means that:

• Consumers should be provided with clear, relevant and accurate information, including on cost, during the sales process.
• Consumers should be recommended a product/service appropriate to their needs and suitable for them
• Consumers should receive a high standard of follow-up services, e.g., making a claim, making a complaint, switching product, dealing with errors, policy renewals, follow-up advice on investments/pensions, etc.